Has JewWatch Been Killed Off?

The Wikipedia definition of Jew continues to hold #1 on Google when one searches for Jew, but a very curious thing appears to have happened – the JewWatch site itself is currently dead.

At the time of writing this, trying to open the site produces a ‘403 Forbidden’ error. RemoveJewWatch might have some light on this with the words ‘We Won’ posted towards to top of the site.

There also appears to be the following message that was sent to the website:

From: “Abuse Team” <abuse@ev1servers.net>
To: “Jewwatch Webmsater” <sysadmin@stormfront.org>,
Subject: AUP/TOS Violation [] Case #: 2601

It has come to our attention that your server located at [] is in violation of our AUP/TOS by way of the following URL: www.Jewwatch.com

The URL stated above is in violation by way of this site violates our aup/tos and must be removed by friday April 16, 2004 at 08:00 CDT.

We must demand that you take prompt action in the removal of the material in questionor we will be forced to take further action. The time is now 4/13/04 2:37:31 PM.

Please email any correspondance to abuse@ev1servers.net. Also be sure to keep the case # in the subject line
for quicker reference. Thank you in advance for your prompt cooperation.
Abuse Team

So it appears that the site was shut down by EV1Servers.net on the classification of abuse. I don’t know whether RemoveJewWatch initiated this or another group took action, but despite getting the site out of high prominence on Google, this raises some doubts to my mind.

The site will likely re-emerge in another form now, and while it does remove anti-semitism from the top ten rankings of Google when searching for ‘Jew’, it doesn’t eliminate it elsewhere or from the multitudes of other searches on Google. Putting in ‘Jewish conspiracy’ for example brings up plenty other ‘alternate’ websites. So one should not assume by any way that this is the end of anti-semitism on the web or elsewhere.

The matter was actually more symbolic than practical, and similar to Christians being outraged if a Satanistic site featured at the top of Google searches for Christ. EV1Servers.net likely have their own private policy on patrolling of websites in turn (this site had to agree to certain behaviour as well when undertaking its current hosting), but whether that will stop JewWatch from setting up at the same address on another server is a question still requiring an answer.